Quality Argentine Tango Instruction
Xmas Vouchers
Having difficulty finding the right Xmas present?
Here is something that your partner will really appreciate - a Voucher for either a six week Beginner's Course or a Private Lesson.
Both are offered at a very attractive price for Xmas
Beginner's Courses - £60 instead of £75
Private Lessons (Individual or a Couple) - £40 instead of £60
Of course, if you really want to show your commitment to your partner why don't you buy yourself a Voucher for a Beginner's Course so that you can attend together - I'm sure that they will appreciate the sentiment!
Just complete the form opposite and the Voucher(s) will be emailed to you. The dates of our courses throughout the year can be found HERE so if you want a specific date please put it on your form when submitting your request.
I look forward to hearing from you soon
Xmas Voucher Offer